Chris Stavroudis of Los Angeles, a consultant to the Getty Museum, travels the world to teach conservators how to clean paintings using the "Modular Cleaning System." Monica of Art CPR was honored to have the opportunity to train with conservators from around the globe, at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn. Conservators learned organic chemistry & then applied it in the lab creating over 40 cleaning solutions for paintings! Next, the conservators trained to use the MCP computer program, while test cleaning both oil and acrylic paintings. Monica is pictured here with Emilia Cortez, an ancient Egyptian artifacts conservator who has been at the Metropolitan Art Museum over 25 years, and Renee Riedler, of Vienna Austria, who is currently living in the USA to conserve artifacts at the American Natural History Museum in NYC. If you'd like to read more about the safer, less toxic aqueous cleaners we created in the lab, please click on the following link:
"A Novel Approach to Cleaning: Using Mixtures of Concentrated Stock Solutions and a Database to Arrive at an Optimal Cleaning System" <>;